They will help you make a suitable selection based on your equipment, the complexity of the shape of the PET bottle, and your special requirements. Exportez des données vers vos systèmes ERP ou MES En vous connectant avec nos API, vous pourrez importer des données importantes sur les imprimantes, les impressions et les matériaux dans vos systèmes de gestion de lactivité, afin doptimiser les processus de travail. From complete solutions for VAD Core and OVD Clad production to state-of-the art optical fiber draw towers. We offer a comprehensive range of customizable and cutting-edge manufacturing solutions to serve the distinguished telecom fiber market. To choose the best packaging option for your needs, contact a sales representative or technical support specialist. PreForm sintègre sans problème à de nombreux systèmes CAO et rationalise le processus dimpression. Rosendahl Nextrom / Optical Fiber / Products / Telecom Preform & Fiber. Un support rigide, conçu pour maintenir les préformes en position pour des mesures précises, permet une identification facile et rapide de courbe ou.
In addition to standard preforms, RETAL manufactures custom preforms tailored to individual customer requirements. PreForm is the 3D Printing Software that prepares your models for printing in just a few minutes, allowing for more time to focus on product development. Le Manual Preform Perpendicularity Gauge (Jauge manuelle de la perpendicularité de préforme) permet de vérifier que le corps d’une préforme est perpendiculaire à la surface de la bague.
RETAL offers a full assortment of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) preforms for packaging, transporting and storing drinking water, mineral water, carbonated beverages, juices, nectars, baby food, dairy products, beer, low-alcohol and alcoholic beverages up to 40% abv, edible oil, mayonnaise, ketchup, sauces, household and cosmetics products Research and development is also aimed at refining production systems and developing new products and applications. This time we can see the two layers the core & the clad. Barrier preforms provide additional benefits and increased beverage shelf life, thanks to a special layer embedded in several layers of polyethylene terephthalate. Through a similar sintering process, the soot preform is converted into a wholesome glass preform. Preforms can be single-layer or multilayer.

Preform weight depends on the end container’s desired volume. They are produced by RETAL using a highly-accurate injection molding process on equipment from the leading world vendors. Les préformes ont des goulots, des poids, des couleurs et des formes différentes, et sont spécifiquement conçues pour respecter les besoins de nos clients, quel que soit leur secteur d’activité. Preforms are manufactured from polyethylene terephthalate (PET), so they are called PET preforms. Une préforme est un produit intermédiaire qui est ensuite soufflé en un contenant en polyéthylène téréphtalate (PET).