Blu glitterato
Blu glitterato

blu glitterato

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blu glitterato

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  • Go to Effects>Plugin Filters>Flaming Pear>Flood and apply the following settings.
  • Go to Colors>Colorize and find a setting that you like.
  • Now if you want to colorize the moon and planet layers, now is the time to do it.
  • Reduce the opacity of the 'Planet' layer to 64%.
  • Using your mover tool, move your planet to anywhere on your pic that you want.
  • Now using your magic wand again, click anywhere in the black and hit your delete key.
  • Note: You can use whatever settings you want, this is just how I did it.
  • Go to Effects>Plugin Filters>Flaming Pear>Lunar Cell and apply the following settings.
  • Make a new layer and name it 'Planet'.
  • Their purity, strength and brightness give the Glitter finish an eternal and unique charm.
  • Reduce the opacity on the 'Stars' layer to 50%. BLUORO jewels are the perfect items for unforgettable moments.
  • Now make your 'Stars' layer active and go to Effects>Plugin Filters>Flaming Pear>Glitterato and apply the following settings. Accappatoio in morbidissima spugna di Puro cotone 100 bianco, Il cappuccio è in tessuto di cotone Glitterato blu, ricamato, Impreziosito da swarovski e rifinito da un bordino di colore Blu.
  • Make your 'Moon' layer active and using the magic wand, (tolerance 10, feather 0, Rgb value)click anywhere in the black area.
  • Leave the other settings at default and click okay.
  • Go to Effects>Plug-in Filters>KPT6>KPT Sky Effects and set it up like below, thru the presets.
  • blu glitterato

    Open up a new image, 500x400, 16million colors, black background.You must have psp7 and KPT6 in order to do this tutorial.

    Blu glitterato